New online marketplaces are profoundly altering our social and economic interactions. They enable unprecedented levels of monitoring and control over their participants; the complexity of their underlying functions results in the platforms and their participants interacting in intricate and subtle ways; finally, many online marketplaces are reaching scales where small design changes can have a huge impact on their performance. In this course, we will: (i) look at several important online marketplaces, and highlight their unique economic and operational challenges, and (ii) develop stochastic models that provide a principled way to reason about their operations.
Lectures: MW 10.10am-11.25am, Hollister 320, Map
Instructor: Sid Banerjee, 229 Rhodes Hall, email
This course is based on a similar course taught by Ramesh Johari at Stanford: Platform and Marketplace Design.
Another great set of related courses are Tim Roughgarden’s Algorithmic Game Theory and Mechanism Design.
There is no required textbook for the course; however, the following books are a great reference for various topics we will cover. The Cornell library has access to online versions of some of these books:
Each student should scribe 2 lectures, in groups of 2; worth 10% of grade.
An important component of the class is reading and thinking about papers. To make sure of this, each student is expected to submit a mini-review for at least one paper each on pricing, search, reputation and additional topics. Each review should be less than a page, and answer the following questions:
Knowledge of basic probability (at the level of ORIE 6500) and optimization (at the level of ORIE 6300). Prior exposure to microeconomics and game theory would be helpful, but is not necessary.
Note though that since the course will discuss mostly active research, with reading material drawn from recent papers, the technical level required for reading the papers may vary a lot. Send a mail to the instructor if you are concerned about having the appropriate prerequisites.
Unit 1: Mechanism Design and Two-Sided Platforms
Unit 2: Control levers for Online Marketplaces
Search and Recommendation
Reputation and Feedback
Unit 3: Learning with Strategic Agents